
Monday, August 28, 2006

beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder

the weekend was marvellous. healthy dose of shopping including tons of Dior goodies and beach wraparound halter dress and bright yellow(!) undies- it was a crisis. (Stop laughing, ANGELA TRESE LEE)

then, WOMAD! barefoot dancing, yummy cheeseburger with grass stains (oops). my first half-smoked cigg. reggae, jazz, T-bone (: rock, swing. awfully cute band boys (Radio Mundial!) mixed with drunk guy boogeying up to us and wriggling his butt in our faces. and oh, lets not forget the moon! the moon!

all in all, it was a pretty fantastic night. :D

and then, i had to drag my weary ass to work today. urgh. feel totally drained. just called cynthia to wish her a safe flight and all the best. am gonna miss her, as with everybody else that i will be parting with.

oh well. on the bright side, its my last week at work, already! (:

on a random note: everybody go watch Episode 50 of Sex&theCity. listen out for cheryl lynn's "got to be real". its fantastic! woot!

Monday, August 21, 2006

I've found the winning receipe for a great weekend:
start out with,
reaffirmation of friendship over hot soup
then go on to:
floorball with 3 friends
graduation from ice-skating lessons
black pepper crab!
new stash of clothes
end off with,
a large dose of John Corbett, topless

Monday, August 14, 2006


"In order to survey himself in all his finery, he lit a candle by the mirror and watched as he metaporphosed into a glorious bird, a magnificent insect. The mirror was mottled, slightly cloudy, speckled with age. He felt far away, lifted to another plane. Held within this frame, he could have been a photograph, or a painting, a character caught in a storybook. Distant, tinged with mystery, warm with the romance of it all, he felt a sudden sharp longing, a craving for an imagined world, for something he'd never known but felt deep within himself."
-Kiran Desai
Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

this is it.

Zulassungsbescheid für das Wintersemester 2006/2007
Studiengang:Medizin (Staatsexamen, Hauptfach), 1, Fachsemester

Sehr geehrte Frau Wang,
1. Sie werden hiermit zum Studiengang: Medizin (Staatsexamen, Hauptfach) 1. Fachsemester
ohne Ablegung einer Pruefung in Deutsch
als ordentlicher Student an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München zugelassen.